
Legal Notice

Liability for Content

The contents of our website and its pages have been created with the greatest care. However, we are unable to guarantee the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of the contents. As a service provider, we are responsible under Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) for original content on these pages according to generally applicable law. Under Sections 8 through 10 of the TMG, we are, however, not obligated as a service provider to monitor transferred or saved information from foreign sources, or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block usage of information under generally applicable law are not affected by this. Such liability is, however, only possible from the moment an actual legal infringement becomes known. Should any such legal infringement come to our attention, we will immediately remove the content in question.


Liability for Links

Our website contains links to external, third-party websites, over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we make no guarantees with regard to such third-party content. The individual suppliers or operators of the third-party sites we link to are responsible for the contents of their own sites. The sites we link to are inspected for any possible legal violations at the moment we link to them. No illegal content was detected at the moment we linked to these sites. However, it is not feasible for us to permanently monitor linked sites without specific grounds for suspicion of legal infringement. Should any such legal infringement come to our attention, we will immediately remove the links in question.



The contents and publications created by the website operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, editing, distribution or any kind of use beyond the restrictions of copyright law require the written consent of the individual author or creator. Downloading or copying content from this site is only allowed for private, non-commercial use. If the contents on this website have not been created by the operator, the copyright of third parties are observed. Specifically, content belonging to third parties is credited as such. Should you nonetheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we request that you supply proof to that effect. Should any such copyright infringement come to our attention, we will immediately remove the content in question.